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Secret Shopper Website (2)

What is the Secret Shopper Program? 

The Secret Shopper Program provides businesses with valuable insights into customer service, products, and atmosphere. Secret shoppers anonymously visit retail, food, and service establishments to evaluate service quality and ambiance.

Reviewers remain completely anonymous, and the information gathered between the Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce and the business remains confidential. However, we will track general trends across Brookings to help inform community-wide programming.

Businesses cover the cost of any items purchased during the visits, with no additional fees for the assessment or review process.

Wooden Legs Brewery_2013_9
Nick's Hamburger Shop_2013_1


Sit Down Restaurant

A restaurant signs up with a budget of $15 per person. Over the next month, the Brookings Chamber will anonymously send three customers to the establishment to dine, with a $15 or less budget. After their visit, these customers will complete a 20+ question feedback form to rate the restaurant on various attributes which can include: 

  • How was the cleanliness of the floors, tables, chairs, and menus?
  • Did you receive a prompt and sincere greeting from the employees?
  • Did they upsell with an appetizer, side dish, or beverage?
  • Was your food visually appealing and at a good temperature?

This form is then returned to the Brookings Chamber. The Brookings Chamber will compile the feedback and comments into one document for the restaurant to review. A bill for the three meals will be sent to the restaurant, totaling $45 or less.


Counter Service Restaurant

A restaurant signs up with a budget of $15 per person. Over the next month, the Brookings Chamber will anonymously send three customers to the establishment to dine, with a budget of $15 or less. After their visit, these customers will complete a 20+ question feedback form to rate the restaurant on various attributes which can include: 

  • How was the cleanliness of the floors, tables, chairs, and menus?
  • Did you receive a prompt and sincere greeting from the employees?
  • Was the process of picking up your food clear? Was it easy to tell which order was yours?
  • Was the line too long? Did the staff work efficiently?

This form is then returned to the Brookings Chamber. The Brookings Chamber will compile the feedback and comments into one document for the restaurant to review. A bill for the three meals will be sent to the restaurant, totaling $45 or less.



A retail store signs up with a budget of $20 per person. Over the next month, the Brookings Chamber will anonymously send three customers to the establishment to shop, with a budget of $20 or less. After their visit, these customers will complete a 20+ question feedback form to rate the retail store on various attributes which can include: 

  • Were the window displays clean, fresh, and attractive?
  • Was the business well-organized and easy to shop?
  • Was the employee knowledgeable about the merchandise?
  • Was the merchandise attractively displayed?

This form is then returned to the Brookings Chamber. The Brookings Chamber will compile the feedback and comments into one document for the restaurant to review. A bill for the three meals will be sent to the restaurant, totaling $60 or less.

To Apply

To sign your business up for this program, or become a secret shopper, applications will open October 1.

If you have any questions regarding this program, please give us a call at 605-692-8922 or email