About Us
Founded in 1938, the Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce continues to be the leading business organization in the Brookings area. Living out our mission of promoting, advocating, connecting, and enriching our Brookings area business community, we provide endless opportunities to help businesses succeed, as well as creating a community people want to live, work, and play. Made up of 500 member businesses, we connect all cross-sections of the business community.
Stop by the Chamber at 1321 6th Street or call 605-692-8922 to learn more about the benefits of membership or to find the right businesses to fit all needs.

What We Do

Board of Directors

The bulk of the Chamber's programming and events are organized through one of our seven committees. Click below to learn more. Interested in sponsoring or volunteering on any of these committees? Feel free to reach out to the staff liaison linked in each section!
Our community wouldn't be as successful as it is without the fantastic partners we work with each and every day. Click below to learn more about our community partners.